Are you tired of playing small? Advice from one of the oldest books in the world

Are you tired of playing small? Advice from one of the oldest books in the world

Finally, something written in one of the oldest books in the world that directs us to play big, take what we have and multiply, create incredibly abundance, and not behave from a place of fear.

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Visualize it, feel it, believe it, and see it come to life

Visualize it, feel it, believe it, and see it come to life

“If my life were a book and I were its author how would I want this story to go?” You can manifest this vision.  Here, athlete Amy Purdy gives us an incredibly powerful tool.  

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Negativity is contagious, here’s how to stop it

Negativity is contagious, here’s how to stop it

“If you do not transform your suffering, you will transmit it.” A profound statement I once saw in an interview.  How true is that?  There are so many times we have come across someone who is transmitting their suffering outwards…

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When I need inspiration, I read this

When I need inspiration, I read this

This poem is one of my go-to’s when I need an inspirational boost. If it can inspire Nelson Mandela on Robben Island, I am pretty sure it will always do the trick for me no matter what I’m facing.  

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Cultivating your inner peace

Cultivating your inner peace

On a segment for “Al Dia con Leticia Mendoza” I shared some of my go-to ways of cultivating inner peace.  We can get better at carrying within us more and more inner peace by cultivating it.  We can strengthen these muscles to the point where we can experience unshakable inner peace.  Here are some ways on how to do this.  

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Sleep better and wake up happier by doing this

Sleep better and wake up happier by doing this

Ending your day right is one of the best things you can do to in order to live a more purposeful life, where you are making better choices and creating greater happiness.  You would be surprised at what happens when you take just a few minutes to do this at the end of your day.  Here is what I do as soon as I get into bed.  It takes me just 2 minutes and 26 seconds and has changed my life.   

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The best advice from Paulo Coelho: Like attracts like

The best advice from Paulo Coelho: Like attracts like

“The Universe is responding to how you think, consciously and subconsciously, because it is how you project.  If you want to be a victim, because being a victim will justify a lot of frustration and failures in your life, The Universe will help you.  If you want to be successful, The Universe will help you.”

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Feeling stuck? A baby step towards getting unstuck!

Feeling stuck? A baby step towards getting unstuck!

The Law of Attraction: You attract where you are by what you think, what you feel, what you say, and what you do.  Make sure we are always attracting what you want!  Here’s how.

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