How to find inner peace next week

How can we say that we have faith and yet wait with doubt and fear?  Yet, we can’t be too hard on ourselves.  The reality is that we do not mean to wait in this way.  For many of us, we have never been taught how to wait.  This article will teach you how.  

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Stop taking on other peoples’ problems alone

Stop taking on other peoples’ problems alone

Life can become complicated when our Destructive Self is in control and chooses to take on every single problem we encounter alone.  At times, our Destructive Self goes even further, having us take on the problems of others by ourselves.  This is unsustainable and something we want to stop doing now.   

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What’s the purpose of our life?

What’s the purpose of our life?

There is a question that often arises in many different forms: “What is the point of living a better life?” “Why make better choices in life…for the purpose of what?” “What is the purpose of it all?” But they all have the same root: “What is my life purpose?” Here is the answer that has given me confidence, peace, and calm.  

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Sleep better and wake up happier by doing this

Sleep better and wake up happier by doing this

Ending your day right is one of the best things you can do to in order to live a more purposeful life, where you are making better choices and creating greater happiness.  You would be surprised at what happens when you take just a few minutes to do this at the end of your day.  Here is what I do as soon as I get into bed.  It takes me just 2 minutes and 26 seconds and has changed my life.   

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