How to find inner peace next week

How can we say that we have faith and yet wait with doubt and fear?  Yet, we can’t be too hard on ourselves.  The reality is that we do not mean to wait in this way.  For many of us, we have never been taught how to wait.  This article will teach you how.  

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The first step towards improving all of your relationships

The first step towards improving all of your relationships

The most popular request we get at is around help for improving the relations we have with those around us, whether with our partner, family members, friends, or work colleagues.  The tool that I am going to share with you today is life changing.  It is a meditation that is foundational to any efforts you may make towards improving the relationships in your life.  

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Can’t meditate? One mantra for immediate peace, anywhere

Can’t meditate? One mantra for immediate peace, anywhere

Sometimes it is easy to meditate.  Other times, it is quite hard to meditate.  That’s why it is great to have tools to rely on for support.  Here is one that will never fail you… At least it has never failed me!

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The people in your life are your teachers

The people in your life are your teachers

One of my most important lessons has been understanding that those who come into our life are here to be our greatest teachers.  This has been a powerful lesson.  When I began approaching interactions from this place, I became more receptive to my own personal growth and development.  And this became life changing.  

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Guilt, we struggle with it so much

Guilt, we struggle with it so much

Guilt is not good.  It generates and produces fear, an unproductive emotion. For the most part, we feel guilty because we are used to feeling guilty.  It’s a familiar, automatic subconscious reaction caused by years of conditioning by others that have shamed us in order to manipulate our actions.

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The one thing I must do every day to perform

The one thing I must do every day to perform

If you start just doing 1-2 of these things, you will get yourself in good shape and stop cheating yourself of your own knowledge and inner wisdom.  You will find your voice and what you deeply desire.  You will stop the noise around you that is drowning your own opinions.  You will become more confident and your True Self will shine through.  People will notice and stop trying to overpower you with their opinions.  If they don’t stop attempting to overpower you, you are so strong and connected so solidly to who you are that all the noise seems like just a feather attempting to push your True Self around. 

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The hardest person to forgive

The hardest person to forgive

Many people define the act of forgiveness as occurring when we choose to no longer want to change the past.  We accept that the past happened and we give up trying to change it.  Yet, what do we do with the participant who is surprisingly hardest to forgive? 

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Stop taking on other peoples’ problems alone

Stop taking on other peoples’ problems alone

Life can become complicated when our Destructive Self is in control and chooses to take on every single problem we encounter alone.  At times, our Destructive Self goes even further, having us take on the problems of others by ourselves.  This is unsustainable and something we want to stop doing now.   

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Never have a regret by doing this

Never have a regret by doing this

We have all experienced the toxic cycle of regret.  We label a choice as “bad” and regret our actions, behavior, and the outcomes that resulted.  We replay in our minds the different choices we should have made and how much better our lives would be as a result.  As we know, this can quickly become a destructive cycle.  

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