Eggplant Dip (Baba Ghanoush)

Eggplant Dip (Baba Ghanoush)

I love eggplants.  What I hadn’t been aware of are its many great health benefits: dietary fiber, vitamin B1, copper, manganese, vitamin B6, niacin, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.  This eggplant dip is delicious and a great way to enjoy these wonderful benefits. 

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Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Salad

Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Salad

Watermelon is a wonderful way to enjoy something sweet in your life while getting great nutrients such as potassium, vitamin A, and antioxidants, among more.  Here’s a delicious and unique recipe. You will love this as soon as you try it!

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Grilled Corn with Lime Salt

Grilled Corn with Lime Salt

Corn has gotten a bad reputation given its intense use in processed food.  Yet, when eaten fresh and unprocessed, it is delicious and contains important nutrients such as dietary fiber, manganese, and vitamin B6.  Here’s a delicious, easy, fast recipe that’s great for the summer. 

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Apricot and Arugula Salad

Apricot and Arugula Salad

Apricots are delicious and a good source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, copper and potassium.  This wonderful recipe lets this great ingredient shine while allowing us to enjoy all of its health benefits, some of which include: heart disease protection, eyesight protection, and digestive support.

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Strawberry & Feta Salad Recipe

About Strawberries

  • Most popular berry fruit in the world
  • Should be eaten 3-4 times per week to achieve maximum health benefits
  • At peak April-July
  • Considered to have highest health-promoting antioxidants among all fruits
  • Retain maximum amount of nutrients when enjoyed fresh and not cooked. Vitamins and antioxidants are unable to withstand high temperatures

Nutrient Profile

  • Phytonutrients
  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Dietary fiber
  • Iodine
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Potassium
  • Biotin
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Health Benefits

  • Cardiovascular benefits
  • Blood Sugar benefits
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits

Selection and Storage

  • Very perishable; should only be purchased a few days prior to use.
  • Choose berries that are firm, plump, free of mold and which have a shiny, deep red color with attached green caps.  Full ripe berries will not only have the peak flavor and texture, but they will have more nutrients.
  • Studies show 2 days as the maximal time for strawberry storage without major loss of vitamin C and polyphenol antioxidants. 
  • Since very perishable, strawberries should not be washed until right before eating.

Individual Health Concerns

  • Strawberries are at the top of fruits on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found.  Individuals wanting to avoid pesticide risks will want to consume organically grown.
  • Strawberries are among a small number of foods that contain measurable amounts of oxalates.  When oxalates become too concentrated in body fluids, they can crystallize and cause health problems.  Individuals with already existing and untreated kidney or gallbladder problems may want to avoid eating strawberries.  Oxalates may also interfere with absorption of calcium from the body.

Here’s a delicious recipe for you!

Strawberry & Feta Salad


  • Your favorite mixed greens

  • 2 cups quartered strawberries

  • ½ cup toasted sliced almonds

  • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese

Salad Dressing:

  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 Tablespoons your favorite vinegar
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp.  dijon mustard
  • 1.5 - 2 Tablespoons your favorite healthy sweetner (I use raw honey)
  • 1 tsp. poppy seeds

Combine the dressing together.  Combine all of the salad ingredients together.  Dress with the dressing.  Enjoy!

I truly hope you enjoy this recipe and that it helps you live a healthier life.  I would absolutely love to hear from you, so please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.  If you enjoyed this post, share it with your friends and family!

Lots of love,


This year we have launched an exciting collaboration with Soul Food Salon.  Each week, we feature a delicious, seasonal, and nutritious ingredient.  We not only tell you a bit about it and all of the nutrition it represents, but also we provide you with a recipe so you can cook it at home.  Please share pictures of your meals on Instagram using the hashtag #SoulFoodSalon.  Follow us at @JudithDuval and @SoulFoodSalon.  We can’t wait to learn and cook with you!