Stop feeling guilty

Stop feeling guilty

Guilt is a toxic emotion that when it has taken over, can not only keep us from enjoying life, but also can destroy everything in it.  It can make us unable to function at work, unable to love our partner and our children, and unable to be present for our friends.  It can suck us into a dark hole that is hard to get out of and keep us in a senseless, vicious cycle that at times may feel all-consuming.  Here’s how to eradicate guilt out of your life.  

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How to take control of your life, right now

How to take control of your life, right now

Raise your hand if at moments you can feel that you have too much to do, that the hours in the day aren’t enough, and that it all seems never ending.  The following advice from one of my favorite Stanford Business School professors changed my life.  It has always worked and has never failed.  

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Why we get defensive and how to stop

Why we get defensive and how to stop

This way of being is one of the worst things we can do in any interaction and in any relationship.  Some experts have identified it as a character trait that almost certainly will lead a marriage to divorce.  Others, have spoken of how it is a tremendous obstacle to the progression of a career.  Here is a way to improve.   

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