Do this for immediate stress relief

I currently live in the United States, and the past couple of weeks have been a stressful time given the presidential elections. 

Before November 8th, Election Day, wellness resources flooded us with much needed advice on how to remain calm and avoid stress.

Get enough sleep. Stick to your routine. Stay off social media. Exercise.

And even though the elections are over, the stress and anxiety has not stopped.

After the elections, crisis and suicide prevention hotlines and texting services experienced a surge of calls messages.  Some, like the Crisis Text Line, received as much as four times the number of calls they usually receive. 

Of all of the resources I came across, below is the one that has been the most unique as well as most helpful for me.  It went viral a while back, and during these stressful times, I saw it being shared continuously by many of the sources I use for my own wellness.

What I love about this tool is that it is actionable, easy, and can be done RIGHT NOW.  

I also love that this tool can be a great support for a new or existing meditation practice.  Have never meditate?  This will get you started with no problem.  Are you an experienced meditator? This tool will be of incredible support for you, as it was for me (and I meditate for hours at a time), and deepen your practice even more.

As I used this tool, I could feel my own stress level going down.  What was even more incredible was that after a minute or two, I encountered that deep peace within myself that I know exists.  An easy tool that helps me connect to my True Self? Count me in.  I’ll be using it for a long time to come. 

Now here’s the deal for this to work: You have to do it.  Just hitting play below and seeing what this is about is not going to be enough.  Do it.   

Instructions: Sync your breathing with the shapes expansion.  I like to breathe in as the shape expands and breathe out as the shape collapses.  It would be great if you did the full 10 minutes of this video, but if not, do as much as you can.  

Do you know someone who would benefit from using this tool in their life? Share this article with them, or share it with your friends and family so they can also start creating the life they want to live.


P.S. Remember (and share on Facebook):